Monday, 31 August 2009

2 much to do in 2 weeks

It's official. Team Run is now packing themselves. Actually, that may not be correct, it might only be me. But with less then two weeks to go it is on like donkey kong. All the things we haven't done are all too apparent. Time to be very serious now.

So serious in fact, that we actually all formally sat down at a table and discussed all the things we must do. We brainstormed long and hard. Rupert Guppy, being ever the organised man, suggested we bring trainers. Thank you Rupert. The sum of the teams brainstorming has resulted in a comprehensive list of things to bring, ranging from passports to trainers to first aid to vaseline. Can never be too organised! It's also set us on a chase to locate all these items, like GPS, 3G cards, & tents. On top of this, training is now at its most epic, with most of us spending a couple hours a day running, swimming, or cycling.

We have now booked some accommodation. Nice, tick... Rome, tick... Monaco, tick. However, it seems team poster boy Adam Graham is having trouble with Orbetello. Orbetello is a beautiful little town located on a lagoon, about 150 km North West of Rome, and a lovely place for team run to recover after their first day running. With 3 camp sites in Orbetello, we thought it would be easy to sort this out. But due to campsites being too busy, or our booking being inappropriate, or perhaps due to a general wariness of 6 Englishmen and an Australian turning up to occupy your land, the Orbetello campsites have not been willing. Back to the drawing board... it isn't too fun being unable to find somewhere to stay at night.

Further highlighting the seriousness, Team Run is now dry. No beers from now until we reach the start-finish line of the Monaco grand prix. No doubt, that first beer will be incredible. The sound of the twist-top opening, the bubbles rising to the top, the cool, crisp texture of the beer touching the parched tongue. It's almost too much to think about. We'll use it to inspire us through those final strides.

Now, to business. Sponsorship as of 18.23 September 1 stands at 2,278 quid. Our goal is of course 5,000. So we're still a long way short of where we'd like to get to. So, if you're reading this and particularly inspired by our ambitious run, why not go to and leave a donation. Word on the street is that if you do, you'll probably go to heaven.

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